Monday, January 28, 2008

Putting on My Tutor Hat

Starting this week, I will be going to my son’s school once a week for a ½ hour to do some phonic remediation with him. He needs more work in phonics, but his teacher doesn’t have the time or program to do this. He has a wonderful teacher!! She is very aware of what he needs and has worked with me ALL year to be sure that we stay on top of things.

I have decided to use Reading Reflex as a guide. I will probably be adding other bits and pieces depending on what I see as the biggest weaknesses. We will begin working with adjacent consonants, aka blends. He is able to take two sounds and put them together, but has difficulty splitting them up again. For example, he can take “f” and “r” and make “fr”, but he has trouble taking “fr” and breaking it into “f” “r”

I am hoping that this will be something we can do together. Like so many other children, my son behaves very well for other people, but not so great with me. I have told him that if we can not get our work done, I will have to find someone else to come in to do it. He is 7 and still wants his mom to come to school.

Here is where you can get a copy of Reading Reflex if you are interested:

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