New Homework Strategy
Last week was only the 3rd week of school, but the homework wars had already begun. I knew I needed a new strategy. My son gets tired very quickly while doing his homework, so I decided to tweak a strategy I learned for myself.
So I grabbed a digital timer. Sat down with my son and talked about what we needed to get done that day. We had 4 items to complete. So I told him to pick which one he wanted to do first. I set the timer for 30 minutes. I told him that he had 30 minutes to complete that task and when the timer went off, we would start the next one. I also told him that if he finished before the 30 minutes was up, he could take a break and play the remainder of the time.
Yes, this took us 2 hours to complete 4 tasks. But there was no argument or refocusing during the tasks. Perhaps with older children, you could have them complete 2 tasks during one time period.
So far this has worked very well for us. Like most stategies, I am sure it will lose its effectiveness, but for now this is working! Maybe it will work for you also.
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