Monday, December 10, 2007

Great books for Children with Dyslexia

My son and I have been reading a new series of books. They are by Henry Winkler and the main character has dyslexia. His adventures center around how he deals with his weaknesses in school.

I was a little nervous to read these books to m son without reading them to myself first. My son as pretty high self esteem, and I was afraid this would introduce new fears. But, I went ahead and started the first book without previewing it first.

My son LOVES these books. We recently had character day at school. The kids dress up as their favorite book characters. My son went has Hank Zipzer (the main character in the book). When we finished the first book, I had not gotten the second one yet. So my son just wanted to start the first one over again.

I am so thankful to have these fun stories that not only discuss the difficult aspects, but also celebrate the common strengths such as building things, story telling, and the ability to see the whole picture.

I highly recommend these books!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon

Thanks for writing this blog, loved reading it