Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Will It Help the Dyslexia Symptoms?

I am not sure if this is going to help his dyslexia symptoms, but I am optomistic and mostly looking for improvements in the self control area.

So far we have been on the Feingold diet for 2 full days. Things seem to be going well so far, although we have has some things that were not allowed. My son has been very good. He is taking his lunch and snack to school each day. Today was the first day that he wanted the "school snack". The good news is that this turned out to be my week to bring snacks for the class (which just means bringing 2 low sugar cereal boxes). I I got two types of approved cereal to give to the class. Hopefully that will help the "being different" aspect.

So far I have seen a small difference. We have not been on it long and not 100% perfect, but we are still going full steam ahead.

More to come...

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