Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Are the Dyslexia Symptoms Improving?

First, I would like to start with some minor improvements I am seeing to the dyslexia symptoms. Of course with so many factors involved I am hesitant to say that the Feingold diet is solely responsible. However, I do feel like there is a direct connection. We are into week three and still no major melt downs. We have had some bumps in the road with behavior. These bumps always followed a food infraction. Hmmmm Most notably, when he has had “illegal” food (my son and I have a joke about calling it illegal) he has a very hard time getting to sleep. We had two straight nights him being awake until 10pm even though he was in bed by 8:30pm.

So now for the obvious, here in the states today is Halloween. Last night I broke the news to my son that we would be picking 10 pieces of candy to keep and trading the rest for money. He was NOT into it and started getting worked up. Because it was close to bed time (poor timing on my part) I said “ok, you may not have to, we will talk about in the morning”. So this morning was going very well. We often have struggles in the morning especially with this week and the late nights. Because he was well on track to be ready when his ride got to our house, I told him he could keep 3 extra pieces, but we would be trading the rest. However, he could choose what he wanted to trade for. This went great and we are all set for a great time trick or treating.

Now I know for many of you, you want to shout at your computer that I should not be using food (illegal or otherwise) as a reward. I totally agree and I am not perfect. We were having a great morning. He asked if he was ready on time he could have more candy. And I said yes before I even thought about it. Oh well, I am still a work in progress. I make plenty of mistakes, but my goal is to always learn from them and not repeat them.

Happy Halloween

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