Sunday, November 4, 2007

More Dyslexia Symptom Improvements

Although we are still having trouble staying strictly on the diet, the dyslexia symptoms seem to still be improving. Last week there was a notable attitude change in doing his homework. Instead of fighting over each paper and spelling practice, he just did what needed to be done. Such a needed break for me! It is very draining on me as well as my son when so much energy is used just getting started.

By the way, Halloween went very well. Not only did my son trade in his candy for money which we spent the next day on a toy, but my nephew (not on the diet) did the same. I think this will be a new tradition for us! I just wish I had started it years ago. I am looking forward to a more quiet week. Hopefully we can do better staying on track this week and we will see even more improvements with dyslexia symptoms.

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