Friday, November 16, 2007

Dyslexia Symptoms and Spelling

I have really been focusing a lot on our diet lately, so I though it was time that I get back to how we are dealing with our dyslexia symptoms.

We have seen a really big improvement in his spelling grades. I think our time at Lindamood Bell really helped him learn to hear each sound. We also have made a point to practice his words every night.

On Monday, I write the words on note cards. He reads then all first. Then we go through and spell them all. He doesn’t have to get the right and we only do each word once.

On Tuesday, we just spell the words. Each word that he gets correct (without help) goes into one pile and each word that he misses go in another.

On Wednesday, we only practice the words he missed the night before.

On Thursday we practice them all including doing the ones he has trouble with more than once. Friday is the test.

This has worked very well for us. One of the main things I had to learn was that he needs to spell them out loud. I spell by seeing if the word “looks right”. So last year I made him write the words to practice because I thought that would help him. I was WRONG. LOL

We all know that everyone learns in different ways. Finding the right learning style for your child is not always easy. I hope that share what works for us may help someone else.

Let us know what your strategy is by leaving a comment.

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